
Governments play an important role in promotion of Cleaner Production. The role of leading international environmental institutions and other regional and local organizations is to encourage and support the development and implementation of effective policies to promote sustainable consumption and production and accelerate the shift towards more resource efficient economies and sustainable lifestyles. REC Caucasus with support of the Government of Netherlands support South Caucasus countries in developing national and regional Cleaner Production strategies.

Private Sector / Business & Industry

REC Caucasus works in partnership with a range of local business organizations and international and local banks to promote Cleaner Production. Activities focus on engaging associations, business development institutions, national Cleaner Production Centers, companies, labour unions and local entrepreneurs.

UN organizations

UNEP and UNIDO are leading organizations working to promote Cleaner Production in both developed and developing countries.

Civil Society / Major Groups

Civil Society, Local NGOs, Academia, Youth, Local Authorities are important stakeholders and provide active support in advocating Cleaner Production in South Caucasus.